Atlanta Chapter
Upward, Onward, United We Stand
History of the Atlanta Chapter
“All good things must continue”. This was the sentiment of Mrs. August Wilbanks and Mrs. Shirline Johnson, former members of the DC Chapter of Les Gemmes, Incorporated in November, 1994, when they decided that Atlanta, GA deserved a Chapter. Subsequently, many conversations with officers of the Washington, DC Chapter took place along with agreement to sponsor an Atlanta Chapter. This was the beginning of the planning process for what would become the 10th Chapter of the illustrious Les Gemmes organization.
It was an exciting weekend when an Atlanta Chapter was chartered on September 21, 1995 at the Sheraton Colony Square Midtown Hotel in Atlanta. Eleven prospective members were delighted to see all of the officers and members who traveled to Atlanta to take part in the Chartering Ceremony. The pride among the prospective members was displayed as they took their pledge during the solemn occasion. Members inducted were: Julia Holmes, Ruby Lue, Georgette Blakey, Antoinette Simpson, Lee Norris, Thelma Taylor, Julia Holmes, Shirline Johnson, Verna James, Beverly Travis, and Augusta Wilbanks.
The Chapter got off to a good start under the leadership of their committed officers who had been elected earlier in 1995. The members began looking forward to their activities of community service and sponsored their first family for Christmas in December. It was an exciting project to shop for the Eden Family that consisted of a single mother and three girls, ages 5, 8, and 11.
Numerous activities, national and local programs and projects, have continued to keep the Atlanta Chapter members constructively occupied. The membership through the past twenty nine years has wavered back and forth, and as high as twenty three. The current membership that consists of seventeen, is focused on reaching their highest number of committed, service-oriented women for the chapter; and looks forward to giving itself and interesting 30th Anniversary present next September, 2025. Therefore, they suggest that “all should stay tuned.”
Chapter President’s Message
I am delighted that you took time to look in on us, the “Amazingly Awesome Atlanta Chapter” that, this year in April, planned and hosted the Organization’s 27th Biennial Conclave. With the Conclave now in the history books, the members are excited about getting back, fulltime, to activities and service to the community.
During our Fall Retreat in September, we agreed to implement activities and procedures that will support “excellence”, a brand for which we continuously strive. With the 2024-2025 theme of “Rise Up”: A Mandate for Excellence, we look forward to improving our standing in many areas of the programs and projects of Les Gemmes, Incorporated.
Do look in on us often as we continue to “Rise Up”.
Sincerely and Sisterly,
Shirline Johnson, President
Atlanta Chapter
Contact Us
Les Gemmes, Incorporated – Atlanta Chapter
3155 Wolf Club Drive, SW,
Atlanta, GA 30349
Les Gemmes, Incorporated
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Leadership Development
Healthy Women
Youth Power
Homeless Families
Community Art
Civic & Political Involvement
Veterans Support